Diesel Technology

John Dunn, Diesel Technology Instructor

John Dunn

Diesel Technology Instructor


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student works on diesel truck

In Diesel Technology, students will learn about diesel engines, their systems, and their particular tools. Students will also learn about diagnostic testing and how to maintain and repair diesel engines and investigate technical changes that impact this area. Students may have the opportunity to earn ASE certifications in this program.

It helps to be:

Mechanically savvy and able to adapt to changing technology.

The workhorse powering the nation's trucks and buses...

see your counselor to enroll today!



Lab/Shop Fees $15
SkillsUSA $25
Safety Glasses $3
TOTAL: $43

1st Year Students

2nd Year Students

3rd Year Students

Diesel Engines I #570040

Diesel Engines II #570041

An entry level introduction to diesel engines, their systems and comonents, as well as tools of the trade.

Diesel Electrical & Electronic System I #570043

Diesel Electrical & Electronic System II #570044

An intermediate level of diesel knowledge, including the introduction of diagnostic testing, computerized or otherwise.

Diesel Brakes #570045

Diesel Suspension & Steering #570046

An in-depth look at maintaining and repairing diesel engines. Students will also look at technical changes that impact their work.


Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to build stackable credentials such as ASE Student, OSHA 10 Hour, Snap-On Multimeter as they navigate their programs of study. This will make our students more valuable to potential employers. Diesel Technology offers the following certification opportunity:

  • ASE Student Diesel Engines

  • ASE Student Electrical/Electronic Systems

  • ASE Student Brakes

  • ASE Student Steering & Suspension

This is a relatively new program; therefore, it does not currently have an ARTICULATED credit agreement through the Alabama State Community College System.