Precision Machining Technology

Derrick Stewart, Precision Machining Instructor

Derrick Stewart

Precision Machining Instructor

Slider is playing
setting up machine

In Precision Machining Technology, students will learn the basic skills for operating precision machining equipment to manufacture products. Other skills taught include blueprint reading, precision measurement, and math. Students will also learn the skills needed to create and write a Computer Numerical Control program for lathes and mills. CNC machine set-up is also taught. Students may earn industry credentials with NIMS certifications.


This program offers the knowledge and foundational skills needed to get a head start in a manufacturing career. Whether you plan on working in Tool & Die, Mold Making, Aerospace &
Defense, Energy, CNC Programming, CNC Machining, Medical Manufacturing, Quality Control, or as a Manual Machinist, you can build a skillset here to propel you further in the direction you plan to go.

See your counselor to enroll today!

Lab/Shop Fees $15
SkillsUSA $25
Safety Glasses $3
Testing $10
TOTAL: $53

1st Year Students

2nd Year Students

3rd Year Students

Intro to Milling, Press, Surface Grinding

Intro to Lathe

 #540048 / #540047

Learn basic skills operating precision machining equipment to manufacture products. In addition to machining skills, blueprint reading precision measurement and math is also taught.

Dual Enrollment classes are also taught through Calhoun Community College.

Intermediate Lathe & Bench Work

Intermediate Mill & Surface Grinder

#540049 / #540050

Develop  advanced machining skills in all areas of manufacturing.  Designing and engineering concepts are explored and developed. Computer Aided Design is also introduced.

Computer Numerical Control


Learn the skills needed to create and write a CNC program. CNC Milling and Turning G-code programming is taught as well as Computer Aided Manufacturing. Students will learn all aspects of Computer Numerical Control including programming and machine set-up. 3D printing is also taught. 3rd year students can accrue 9 credit hours of articulated credit through Calhoun Community College.


Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to build stackable credentials as they navigate their programs of study. This will make our students more valuable to potential employers.  Precision Machining offers the following certification opportunity: 

  • NIMS Level 1 Measurement, Materials, & Safety

  • NIMS Level 1 Job Planning, Benchwork & Layout

  • NIMS Level 1 Manual Milling Skills I

  • NIMS Level 1 Turning Operations: Turning Between Centers

  • NIMS Level 1 Turning Operations: Turning Chucking Skills

  • NIMS Level 1 Drill Press Skills I

  • NIMS Level 1 CNC Turning: Programming Setup & Operations

  • NIMS Level 1 CNC Milling: Programming Setup & Operations

Students may receive articulated credit through the Alabama State Community College System after completing quality assurance criteria in this Career Technical program.


  • Introduction to Machine Shop I

  • Introduction to Machine Shop I Lab

Students in this program are eligible to complete the following for dual enrollment credit through Calhoun Community College. 

MTT 149/150 Introduction to Machine Shop II (6 Credit Hours)
MTT 140/243 Basic CNC Turning (6 Credit Hours)
MTT 141/241 Basic CNC Milling (6 Credit Hours)
MTT 138 Milling I (3 Credit Hours)