Public Safety Academy

Danny Pepper

Public Safety Instructor

In the Public Safety - Law Enforcement program, students gain a background in the American legal system,
the U.S. Constitution, and the criminal justice system. Students will also develop the knowledge
and skills to be successful in a public service job preparation program.

It helps to be able to work as a team through physical training and apply problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.

If you are interested in being a part of public safety, see your counselor to enroll today!

Uniforms $120
SkillsUSA $15
Explorer $25
CPR $10

Telecommunications $90.00 (Seniors only)

EMT (Seniors only)

Cadets will be asked to participate in PT twice a week. Uniforms required on Fridays.

Criminal Investigations, Criminal Justice, Corrections, Telecommunication, and Legal System 

1st Year Students

2nd Year Students

3rd Year Students

530021 Introduction to the American Legal System

Course that provides students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the principles and practices of the American legal system.

530023 Police Patrol

Course developed to assist students in choosing a field in police patrol as a career.

530022 Introduction to Criminal Justice

Course designed to introduce students to a variety of topics in the area of study of the U.S constitution and the criminal justice system.

410025 Forensics and Criminal Investigation

Course showing rapidly developing areas of the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security cluster.

530004 Principles of Public Service

Provides students with competencies related to a cluster of public service job prep programs that help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary for success in a specialized public service job prep program. 

400023 Law in Society

Course designed to acquaint students with basic legal principles known to business and personal activities.


Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to build stackable credentials as they navigate their programs of study.  This will make our students more valuable to potential employers.  Public Safety currently does not offer any credentialing certification opportunities.

Students may receive articulated credit through the Alabama State Community College System after completing quality assurance criteria in this Career Technical program.

Course:  TBD